Our Team > Jen Hemphill

Jen Hemphill
Master's Degree:
Educational Technology from Michigan State University
Special Education Learning Disabilities from Hope College
10 Years In-Classroom
Jen is a certified in NC to teach middle school math, general education (K-6), and special education (K-12). Jen has a Master’s degree in Educational Technology from Michigan State and an undergraduate degree in Special Education Learning Disabilities from Hope College. She has additionally completed additional professional training at ECU in instructional technology.
She is currently a Wake County High School Special Education teacher with a concentration in Mathematics. She has taught inclusion classes and provided curriculum assistance for 10 years.
Jen is the teacher for students who need help breaking through learning challenges and accessing difficult material. She is a tremendous asset to students who need help not only with the material but in their school life.
Jen's positive and upbeat personality gives students the motivation they need even in the face of the most difficult challenges. Her passion to help students will be clear to you on your first meeting.
Jen is currently available to tutor 6th-8th grade math and Math 1. She is also available to students as an educational coach for students needing additional support with study skills, note taking, organizational skills, and other executive functions. These coaching sessions are available for students with or without learning differences that are struggling to stay on top of their school work.